Friday, September 16, 2005

Out from pain in shoulder

Hi Guys and Gals,
I am sorry that I did not make a post until now. I was out the other day because I was up all night from severe....did I say SEVERE pain in my shoulder. None of the pain medicine helped at all. I felt like a suffering dog pacing about needing to be put out of its misery. Well, today I am feeling a little better. Pain medicine is working along with the ibuprophen for swelling...thanks to my wife...what a great time to have a nurse around!!! Well, I am trying to get the office back into order. I will post a song that I translated from French. Maybe I can put a link for the video that I downloaded from The singer's name is Diam and she is definitely and DIAMOND and there is nothing rough about her...I hope that Anita does not read this one...:). Ciao!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Recovering from surgery

Well folks...surprise surprise I have had another surgery. This time I tore up my rotator cuf in my right shoulder. I have the wonderful scare from this surgery to go along with the other illustrious scares. I have full range of motion in my right arm but I do not have the strength to do JACK!!! Well, more news coming down the pipe....dum dum dahhhhhhh...we are pregnant again. This one makes the second,, no, its the fourth child that we will have....oh....I'm is our fifth! WOW...there goes the population explosion. Now, I have to go down to the unemployment office to get some more state support for all of these kids...hehehehehe...I love how people are taxed out of their wahzu to pay for me and my Mercedes Benz!!! This commentary is just a joke but it is sad that many individuals think that way. No, to alleviate the embarrassment of using food stamps, they are giving state supported individuals cards that look like credit cards. Whew, boy, I would not want anyone to be ashamed that they are leeches on the state and the rest of the country. Well, this is my few seconds on the soap box...I am stepping off for now. I will be making more comments later on today and the days, months, and years to come...:)

-- Dexter