Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

I, personally, have so much to be thankful for this year. I've seen my son go to college. My daughters, Carrie-Anne, Kaitlin-Isabella, Tyler-Nicole, and Jordan-Marie are doing marvelous as kids. My lovely wife, Anita, is the blessing of my life. I am healthy after having cervical-spinal surgery over 5 years ago. I have just been invited to join the board of a Christian-based ministry that looks after the needs of the homeless called Healing P.O.T.S (Healing People On The Street). I am still working on my doctorate in seminary and I hope to be done by end of next year. God is a great God. He is faithful towards me day after day even though I do not deserve anything that He does for me and my family. Always, God bless Barack and his family. I pray, Lord, that you give Barack wisdom, direction as to how he should lead this country, and blessings on his efforts like Joseph when he was in the house of Pharoah. I believe these blessings in Jesus name and I receive them in His glorious name. Amen!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Today is like a ghost town at Clemson University. Kaitlin is here with me today. She is enjoying playing on my laptop. I have been working on several user related problems. This afternoon I will be working on the Wanboot server that I thought I would be finished with by now. I am hoping that maybe the Upps and Smitty's will be up for sharing thanksgiving together...I do not know if they are going to be with their families. My family in South Carolina are either eating with others out of state or are not planning on hanging out with large crowds this year. I have so much to be thankful this year. My four daughters and son are healthy. Jeremy is doing extremely well in college. My girls are little geniuses like their big brother. Anita is faring well with the looming threats of cut backs in jobs at the hospital. I am in great health. My mother and grandmother are doing quite well. All is well with the Stowers family. Happy Thanksgiving to all!