Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

I, personally, have so much to be thankful for this year. I've seen my son go to college. My daughters, Carrie-Anne, Kaitlin-Isabella, Tyler-Nicole, and Jordan-Marie are doing marvelous as kids. My lovely wife, Anita, is the blessing of my life. I am healthy after having cervical-spinal surgery over 5 years ago. I have just been invited to join the board of a Christian-based ministry that looks after the needs of the homeless called Healing P.O.T.S (Healing People On The Street). I am still working on my doctorate in seminary and I hope to be done by end of next year. God is a great God. He is faithful towards me day after day even though I do not deserve anything that He does for me and my family. Always, God bless Barack and his family. I pray, Lord, that you give Barack wisdom, direction as to how he should lead this country, and blessings on his efforts like Joseph when he was in the house of Pharoah. I believe these blessings in Jesus name and I receive them in His glorious name. Amen!

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