Monday, February 13, 2006

Campus Ticket Witches

Well, I've had one of those AMAZING days with parking services. One numb-nut was trying to TELL me that I own a RED JEEP CHEROKEE??? I calmly asked the lady to check her records because I have never owned a jeep of any type. She looked in her records and according to the DMV I owned a red jeep cherokee. I laughed because I was sure that some one was pulling a prank on me. I started looking around to see if some one was going to pop out and no one did. But this lady had her hand held up for $96.00 for a violation that I was guilty of in July of 2005. I asked to speak with the magistrate. The magistrate contacted the DMV in Anderson and confirmed what I had already told the woman in the parking services office. So I went back to this woman and I told her what the magistrate had said. She said, "I was only doing my job!" I told her that she was not because if she had listened to me and checked with the DMV she would have not put me out for over 30 minutes of waiting around. She did not apologize but her colleague told me, with the other woman present, that she should have given me the benefit of the doubt. I smiled and took my parking decal. So, that is all I want to comment on this matter for now.

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